By hillsboroadmin
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The City of Hillsboro Street Department provides quality service while assuring that our streets, sidewalks and City right-of-ways (R.O.W) are safe for the motoring and pedestrian traffic.


Under the Supervision of Justin Chappelear, the Department has 6 full-time employees. The staff is responsible for maintaining approximately 37 miles of City streets, sidewalks, storm drains, culverts, street signs, snow removal, street sweeping, mowing City R.O.W. and maintaining all the equipment necessary to do the job.


Brush Drop-off & Pick-up Policy

Street & Public Works Staff

John BledsoeAssistant Supervisor / Operator
Randy KeiserOperator
Randy HarrellOperator
John PocklingtonOperator
Brett KalaherOperator
Danny RobinsonOperator